
AbstractPredation is a well‐known problem in South Africa with large losses in the small and large livestock sectors. Predation in the wildlife ranching industry has also become more of a concern, as the financial losses due to predation on valuable antelope species are large. Predation data for small, large, and scarce/colour‐variant antelope species were collected using a structured questionnaire from wildlife ranchers in the Limpopo province, South Africa. We explore the factors that influence predation on these species by determining whether the perceptions of predation and consequent managerial decisions affect predation. The use of nonlethal control methods can be successfully employed to reduce the probability of predation occurrences, however, a combination of lethal and nonlethal control methods were used to reduce the level of predation. The type of antelope species will determine the type of predation control method to be employed. Therefore, the antelope species should be taken into account when making predation management decisions.

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