
Nowadays, under the severe circumstance, the crime rate keeps increasing, some scientists and researchers put attention on figuring out what causes criminals to commit crimes, thinking it can be effective to control the overall situation, however, among all kinds of reasons, there are still some research gaps regarding the influence of childhood experiences on subsequent crimes. Therefore, this paper collects data on domestic violence and school bullying, analyze them with corresponding possible theories, and investigates whether childhood unfortunate experiences will affect crimes committed in adulthood is built up. The findings show that witnessing interparental violence, experiencing parental violence, and getting bullied by peers and teachers in schools can negatively impact students in shaping their values and behavior, which is more likely to commit crimes after they get older. The childhood experience plays an important role in peoples further development, thus, parents need to update the education of their offspring in real-time and give both spiritual and operational support to their children; at the same time, schools need to make sure the character and academic ability of their teachers and staffs to ensure a good learning environment and proper value model for students.

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