
ABSTRACT Many countries offer different educational pathways to qualify vocational teachers for work in schools. This article reports on a comparison of teacher preparation in two different programmes that qualify vocational teachers in Norway. Given the lack of a quantitative framework for measuring professional preparation among vocational teachers, the study aimed to validate an instrument on different dimensions of teacher learning. Cross-sectional survey data were collected among vocational teacher graduates (n = 567). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit for a six-factor solution, with factors including preparation to plan and teach, understand students’ learning, assess learning, create a good learning environment, develop professionally and connect learning to working life. Subsequent tests of factor mean differences indicated that the bachelor sample reported being significantly better prepared for teaching than the postgraduate sample on five out of six factors. In adapting and validating an instrument for vocational teacher education, the study enriches theory on vocational teacher learning and can contribute to current discussions on what vocational teachers learn during different pathways of initial teacher education.

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