
The metaverse, a rapidly evolving research area, is a virtual, interconnected universe that seamlessly integrates digital and physical realms, facilitating immersive experiences, social interaction, and economic activities across various fields, including computer science, business, and education. Despite its potential to transform current pedagogies and learning experiences through engaging, interactive, and fascinating educational techniques, research is limited in exploring its application, usability, and user experience, particularly for Thai undergraduate students in learning computer engineering courses. In response, we designed and developed an innovative metaverse-based learning system called the AIIS collaborative learning interface, tailored to European undergraduate students. While the original intent of AIIS was to cater to medical students, in this study, our objective was to assess its usability and applicability for computer science and engineering students, specifically focusing on the Asian demographic. After an initial pilot with European students in their local context, the research was extended to Thailand, where 21 Thai undergraduate students evaluated the platform’s usability. The observations from this study indicate that AIIS provides a dynamic, user-friendly learning environment. Nevertheless, the evaluation process unveiled some usability flaws that offer informative directions for future enhancements. Drawing from our observations, we formulated usability guidelines to guide designers and developers toward crafting more efficient metaverse systems, particularly those intended for educational use. Our results also underline the considerable promise that metaverse technologies hold for advancing higher education globally.

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