
This study is an exploration of how the quantum self, the quintessence of the individual, drawson archetypal symbols and mythologems during the process of intrapsychic communication. Theprocess relates to the confluence of a subjective, inner experiential reality and reality as a socialconstruct during transcendent cycles of the unique individual. The Jungian constructs of archetypalimages, symbols, myths and mythologems are considered as the derivatives of this subjective,inner reality reflected in the text of a narrative and the dreams of an individual.An archetypal and mythical semiotic textual analysis of ‘The Alchemist’ by Paolo Coehlo, and anindividual case analysis of dream symbols and a self-report based on the interpretation of a dreamtheme by using active imagination indicate that an inner, subjective transcendental reality isimminent in the individual. An intrinsic need for and representation of equanimity and unity arereflected in the images, symbols and myths of the self as archetype of meaning nested in thecollective unconscious.

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