
Women with HIV (WWH) face increased difficulties maintaining adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) due to a variety of demographic and psychosocial factors. To navigate the complexities of ART regimens, use of strategies to maintain adherence is recommended. Research in this area, however, has largely focused on adherence interventions, and few studies have examined self-reported preferences for adherence strategies. The purpose and objectives of this study were to explore the use of ART self-management strategies among a diverse sample of WWH, examine demographic and psychosocial differences in strategy use, and assess the association between strategies and ART adherence. The current study presents secondary data of 560 WWH enrolled in the Miami-Dade County Ryan White Program. Participants responded to questionnaire items assessing demographic and psychosocial characteristics, use of adherence strategies, and ART adherence during the past month. Principal component analysis identified four categories among the individual strategies and multivariable binomial logistic regression assessed adherence while controlling for individual-level factors. The majority of WWH reported optimal ART adherence, and nearly all used multiple individual strategies. The number of individual strategies used and preferences for strategy types were associated with various demographic and psychosocial characteristics. Adjusting for demographic and psychosocial characteristics, optimal ART adherence during the past month was associated with the use of four or more individual strategies. When conducting regular assessments of adherence, it may be beneficial to also assess use of adherence strategies and to discuss with WWH how using multiple strategies contributes to better adherence.

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