
TikTok is one of the most widely used platforms popular among young adults and teenagers and had over 800 million monthly active users in 2020. TikTok enjoys significant user acquisition growth with a rise in brands appearing on the platform. This study explores how TikTok influences consumer impulse purchase behaviour in Malaysia through the lens of the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) model comprising product-related visual appeal and product feasibility (stimuli), perceived enjoyment, and perceived usefulness (Organism), and impulsive purchase intention (Response). SPSS and Smart PLS analysed data per one hundred sixty-nine responses from close-ended questionnaires distributed across online channels. The findings indicate that visual appeal and product feasibility positively influence perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness. The data affirms the positive effect of perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness among TikTok users on their impulsive buying behaviour. In addition to theoretical implications and suggestions for broadening the research domain, this paper offers practical recommendations for marketers to leverage TikTok's ability to drive impulsive purchase behaviour.

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