
The difference in the definition of social capital is a matter of academic debate. The six elements of social capital, namely network, interaction, trust, solidarity, tolerance, and norms, will be used as a measuring tool for assessing social capital in Pancasila. This paper uses a literature study to examine BPUPKI's efforts to find solutions for living together and ratify Pancasila as the ideal foundation and establish Pancasila as the constitutional law. Pancasila June 1, 1945, as the ideal foundation contains values, born from the feel and awareness of living together, while Pancasila August 18, 1945, as the constitutional law to the regulations that are binding and coercive as one country. Pancasila was born from agreement and consensus, where the role of fundamental Islamic groups agreed to Pancasila as the basis of the state because of humility for the sake of the country. This process shows the strength of Pancasila as social capital which contains six elements of social capital. But the element of trust has not been able to form social bonds that run well and in the long term. In fact, the belief element is the strength of Pancasila as social capital because religious teachings are about good and bad, as well as "taboo" beliefs about what can and should not be violated as a local genius.

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