
Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7 genes was involved in the host immune response against viral infections including SARS-COV-2. This study aimed to investigate the association between the TLR7 (rs179008) polymorphisms with the prognosis and susceptibility to COVID-19 pneumonia accompanying SARSCOV-2 infection. This case-control study included 120 individuals: 80 COVID-19 patients (severe and mild) and 40 controls. Polymorphisms (TLR7 rs179008) were genotyped by Sanger sequencing using ABI3730XL, automated DNA sequencer, by Macrogen Corporation – Korea after sent PCR products. This study also investigated predictors of mortality in COVID-19 severity through logistic regression. The mutant‘T/T' genotypes and the ‘T' alleles of TLR7 (rs179008) polymorphisms were significantly associated with increased risk of COVID-19 severity. Our study illustrated that the males harbouring the TT genotype of TLR7 rs 170008 polymorphism could be more susceptible to COVID-19 pneumonia than females having the same genotype.

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