
The current study examines the relation of culture and language, conveying a range of forms resulting in diversified meanings contextually. Enriched with a visual representation , Pakistani culture presented on vehicles such as trucks and public transport: buses, rickshaws and coasters are also the representation of the indigenization of the cultures through respective languages. The data has been collected from the truck pictures frequently shared on Instagram for the propagation of indigenous culture, language and business purposes to attract customers by putting those phrases and verses written on the rear view side of the trucks. A qualitative approach has been implied to evaluate the data, whereas, the nature of the study is analytical using the images. . The main objective of the study is to analyse the visualized and scripted poetry with reference to Hymes’ social interaction model of SPEAKING (1974) as a theoretical framework. The research suggests that the representation of folk literature on truck vehicles gives us glimpses of the public opinions such as political system, social injustice, economic injustices and more prevalent issues in the country.The findings of the study signifies that indigenous languages permeate the message through printed stuff on trucks.

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