
The need of developing accurate and cost-effective room-acoustic simulations has prompted recent investigations on edge diffractions with some progresses on solving multiple-order diffractions of finite wedges. This work explores an alternative approach based on the physical theory of diffraction [P. Ya. Ufimtsev, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 631-635 (2006)] which is well suited for solving acoustic scattering problems from reflecting objects for room-simulation purposes. Although the approaches based on the principle of geometrical acoustics (GA) are widely applied, they are less suitable for geometrical shadow boundaries. The physical theory of diffraction still relies on both geometrical and physical principles, yet emphasizes the physical one. One of the important features of this physical acoustics (PA) approach is the ability to calculate the sound field more accurately in shadow boundaries. To this end, exact and asymptotic solutions of wedge fields are discussed for secondary edge sources induced by the incident wave. This paper will discuss implemented results of several canonical cases with emphasis on Neumann boundary condition.

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