
The official media are the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, the government and the people, having an authoritative status and special influence that is beyond compare by unofficial media. Whereas many official media are now in a difficult situation, with their influence and people's trust in them being lower than that of unofficial media, some have figured out a path to success and have emerged as “model students” over time. This qualitative comparative analysis of 60 cases of official media aims at exploring the multi-causes path and realization mechanism of these “model students”. The results show that there are five parallel multi-causes paths for official media to become “model students”. From the perspective of these paths, the realization mechanism for official media to become “model students” is as follows: the governments adhere to the principle of “serving the people”, bring people a sense of political efficacy, effectively expands their information channels, ensure the substantiality, objectivity and authenticity of their information, and adopt the communication strategy of empathy, so as to gain credibility and social influence. Meanwhile, a higher administrative level of government departments/state-owned enterprises to which official media belong has no significant correlation with official media’ becoming “model students".

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