
Flapping airfoil energy harvesting has emerged as a promising paradigm inspired by birds and marine organisms. In this investigation, a semi-passive flapping airfoil device with a predetermined pitching motion was examined using a transient numerical simulation method employing an overlapping grid technique. The impact of the spring stiffness on the energy harvesting characteristics of the flapping airfoil was analyzed through the implementation of the integral momentum theorem and dynamic mode decomposition. The results demonstrated that the efficiency and power curves of the flapping airfoil exhibited a distinctive bimodal M shape in response to variations of the spring stiffness. The initial peak efficiency point, which corresponded to the system's natural frequency in proximity to the pitching frequency, was found to be heavily influenced by the presence of leading-edge vortexes, thereby influencing lift generation. By utilizing the integral momentum theorem, it was determined that the Lamb vector term, fluid acceleration term, and total pressure term predominantly contributed to the lift generation. The emergence of the second peak efficiency point was primarily linked to torque variations induced by trailing-edge vortexes.

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