
The Reoviridae family of double-stranded RNA viruses includes Reovirus. Both humans and animals might become sick from it. Even though they are often benign, certain strains have been connected to significant illnesses. This review investigates the virus's structure, replication, pathogenesis, clinical significance, and potential therapies. Its unusual capsid form is made up of a segmented genome that encodes twelve proteins and two concentric protein shells. Replication involves uncoating, receptor binding, endocytosis, genome transcription, and cytoplasmic translation. Reovirus masterfully manipulates its host's cellular functions, inducing apoptosis and stress responses that help it spread and multiply. Recently, encephalitis, myocarditis, and maybe even certain cancers have been linked to reovirus, which often produces mild respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms. To fully understand the viral-host interactions producing these illnesses, further research is necessary. Particularly, the reovirus has promise for oncolytic virotherapy. Whether used alone or in conjunction with other medicines, a range of cancer types have showed positive outcomes in clinical studies. In essence, reovirus is a versatile pathogen that has intimate relationships with its hosts. To realize its therapeutic potential and shed light on its pathogenesis, one must have a complete grasp of its molecular and cellular connections. Unlocking the virus's potential is necessary to predict how it will impact both human and animal health.

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