
This paper examines the impact of Chinas two-child policy on womens employment rights through the lens of the television drama Two-Child Era. While the policy has successfully addressed the problem of an ageing population, it has also intensified gender discrimination in the workplace. The drama depicts the challenges faced by Jin Cancan, a working mother who decides to have a second child in compliance with the national policy. The conflict between her family responsibilities and professional duties highlights the difficulties women encounter when seeking to return to the workplace. Using literature analysis and content analysis methods, this paper investigates the influence of the two-child policy on womens employment rights, identifies the causes of gender discrimination in the workplace, and proposes countermeasures to mitigate its negative impact. The study suggests that eliminating gender discrimination requires comprehensive approaches that address legal provisions, policy formulation, and cultural transformation. The paper also concludes that empowering women through education and training can be crucial as well in overcoming societal stereotypes and promoting gender equality.

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