
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have the potential to change education by offering high-quality online courses in a variety of disciplines. However, just a few studies have investigated the impact of MOOC students' demographics on their completion rates. In this research, we investigate the impact of demographic features of learners in the completion and dropping rate of MOOCs. The data from a survey is used in this study to determine which learner demographic features may have an impact on MOOC completion and dropout. The data was analyzed using Chi-square test.The findings demonstrate that four factors, including gender, marital status, age, and educational level, have no impact on degree of MOOC completion. It was also discovered that marital status, age, and educational level, have no effect on MOOC dropout. However, we discovered a statistically significant link between gender and MOOC dropout (χ2 = 6.347, df = 1, p = 0.012). These results can be considered in future instructional initiatives.


  • Human-technology interaction is a significant driver for bringing about new developments that improve people's lives and address societal issues

  • The findings demonstrate that four factors, including gender, marital status, age, and educational level, have no impact on degree of Massive open online courses (MOOCs) completion

  • Regarding the relationship between age and course completion, our results are contradictory to the study of Guo and Reinecke (2014) where the researchers found that the elder group of learners (> 50 years old) achieve more MOOC coverage than the youngest group (< 20 years old) and the research of Impey and Formanek (2021)which looks into course enrolment, learner behaviour and learner demographics, before and after the COVID-19 pandemic declaration by World Health Organization (WHO), where a substantial increase was observed in a MOOC enrolment of population aged 18 to 30 compared to pre-COVID19 pandemic

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Human-technology interaction is a significant driver for bringing about new developments that improve people's lives and address societal issues. Due to the rapid growth of technology in the service sector, the developers targeted the education sector too. Out of these initiatives, Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a new and emerging style of online learning that provides content such as brief video lectures, digital readings, interactive assignments, discussion forums, and quizzes, and it gained significant popularity among students and educators Liyanagunawardena et al (2014). Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have risen in popularity, and many universities have put a lot of effort into creating, publicizing, and offering them Onah et al (2014). There have been debates about the potentials and about the

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