
Career decision-making difficulty is an important factor affecting the smooth employment of college students. Big data technology provides college students with more comprehensive, accurate and personalized career decision support, which helps them make more informed career choices and maximize their personal career development. Previous studies have shown that the Internet and digitization have significant information effect, which have important influence on the improvement of future time insight and career decision-making difficulties. Under the background of digitization, to explore the relationship between future time perspective and career decision-making difficulties of college students based on the Socioemotional Selectivity Theory, and to investigate the role of self-efficacy. 1092 college students were investigated by using the Scales. The result shows that the future time perspective predicts college students’ career decision-making difficulties negatively; Self-efficacy plays a mediation role between future time perspective and career decision-making difficulties. The research reveals the mechanism of future time perspective on college students’ career decision-making difficulties.

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