
Stroke has been identified as a global cause of neurological disability with a resultant burden shared not only by the survivor but also by society. The resumption of an individual's role as a worker after having a stroke, is an important rehabilitation goal. South-West Nigeria has experienced a high incidence and prevalence of stroke, leaving a quarter of survivors with severe disabilities and difficulties in community integration after rehabilitation. The study was aimed at exploring and describing the experiences of rehabilitated stroke survivors and perceptions of stakeholders about stroke survivors returning to work in South-West Nigeria. A qualitative research design was used to explore these experiences and perceptions from 19 participants, comprising nine stroke survivors, two key informants, who were rehabilitation specialists, and eight caregivers of the respective stroke survivors. The researcher made use of focus groups with the caregivers and semi-structured interviews with the stroke survivors and rehabilitation specialists. The data from the study were analysed using thematic analysis. Three themes emerged: Themes one and two described the barriers experienced by the stroke survivors on returning to work. Theme three described the factors that facilitated the resumption of the worker role. The study findings clearly depicted the many barriers experienced by stroke survivors and how these negatively impact their worker roles. Limited facilitatory factors exist to assist stroke survivors in regard to adapting to their worker roles. Promoting participation of stroke survivors in work emanating from government policies was deemed to be a necessary recommendation for the study. These policies were seen to be achievable if rehabilitation resources were improved.

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