
A fixed learning path for all learners is a major drawback of virtual learning systems. An online learning path recommendation system has the advantage of offering flexibility to select appropriate learning content. Learning Analytics Intervention (LAI) provides several educational benefits, particularly for low-performing students. Researchers employed an LAI approach in this work to recommend personalised learning paths to students pursuing online courses depending on their learning styles. It was accomplished by developing a Learning Path Recommendation Model (LPRM) based on the Felder–Silverman Learning Style Model (FSLSM) and evaluating its efficacy. The data were analysed with the help of a dataset from the Moodle Research Repository, and different learning paths were recommended using a sequence matching algorithm. The effectiveness of this approach was tested in two groups of learners using the independent two-sample t-test, a statistical testing tool. The experimental evaluation revealed that learners who followed the suggested learning path performed better than those who followed the learning path without any recommendations. This enhanced learning performance exemplifies the effects of learning analytics intervention .

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