
Although photobiomodulation (PBM) and gamma visual stimulatqion (GVS) have been overwhelmingly explored in the recent time as a possible light stimulation (LS) means of Alzheimer's disease (AD) therapy, their effects have not been assessed at once. In our research, the AD mouse model was stimulated using light with various parameters [continuous wave (PBM) or 40 Hz pulsed visible LED (GVS) or 40 Hz pulsed 808 nm LED (PBM and GVS treatment)]]. The brain slices collected from the LS treated AD model mice were evaluated using (i) fluorescence microscopy to image thioflavine-S labeled amy-loid-β (Aβ) plaques (the main hallmark of AD), or (ii) two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) imaging of unlabeled Aβ plaques, showing that the amount of Aβ plaques was reduced after LS treatment. The imaging results correlated well with the results of Morris water maze (MWM) test, which demonstrated that the spatial learning and memory abilities of LS treated mice were noticeably higher than those of untreated mice. The LS effect was also assessed by in vivo nonlinear optical imaging, revealing that the cerebral amyloid angiopathy decreased spe-cifically as a result of 40 Hz pulsed 808 nm irradiation, on the contrary, the angiopathy reversed after visible 40 Hz pulsed light treatment. The obtained results provide useful reference for further optimization of the LS (PBM or GVS) parameters to achieve efficient phototherapy of AD.

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