
E-commerce of fresh agricultural products has received China’s attention in recent years. The e-commerce law effectively guides and promotes the e-commerce of fresh agricultural products to develop in a healthy and sustainable direction. The "E-commerce Law" ended the cruel development of new e-commerce, clearly regulated e-commerce behavior and protected the rights and interests of consumers, which was a milestone. China’s fresh agricultural products e-commerce started later than e-commerce. It started in 2005 and developed steadily in 2012, and the pressure it faces in 2020 will increase. Relying on China’s unique huge consumer market and government attention and support, big data is expected to increase the growth rate of global fresh agricultural e-commerce.<BR> This paper explores the development of e-commerce for fresh agricultural products in the context of e-commerce law. Within the scope of the e-commerce law, the sustainable development of e-commerce for fresh agricultural products requires the realization of small-scale e-commerce and strengthen the cold chain logistics capabilities of fresh agricultural products e-commerce companies, improve production standardization and intensification, provide a basis for large-scale fresh agricultural product e-commerce procurement, effectively reduce the loss of fresh agricultural products circulation, and make fresh agricultural products much fresher.

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