
The initial observation on compliance test for X-ray facilities reported that some of them were failed to meet the obligation of compliance test provided by the Health Facilities Security of Makassar Region or BPFK Makassar. The purpose of this study was to explore the reasons for their failure to fulfill the obligation on X-ray facilities compliance and services. This research employed qualitative methods. The ten informants of 9 primary informants and 1 secondary informant from the X-ray health facilities in Makassar of South Sulawesi Island were interviewed. The result behind the success in their compliance test was mainly due to the presence of the supervision team from the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency of Indonesia. Additionally, another factor such as the presence of internal and external supervision also played significant support to be able to fulfill the compliance test for X-ray facilities. At the other side, inadequate funding and lack of understanding about the purpose and obligation of the compliance test were mostly informed by the respondents as the main reasons for their failure to comply with the calibration test of the X-ray facilities. Therefore, external and internal supervision should be strengthened to increase the compliance test among X-ray health facilities in Makassar.

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