
The question of using a new method of color measurement with the use of contemporary digital computer technology was considered, which implies obtaining, under certain conditions, digital image of the tested sample. The plant powders, explored in the work, contain a number of pigments, which determine both the color of the powder and the color of culinary products, in composition of which they are included. When measuring сolor coordinates of the powders, their restoration with water was conducted, in this case, the restored samples have lower lightness in comparison with the native powder. The difference of change in the value of сolor coordinate L on average decreases by 20 %. The measurement of сolor of prepared meals, which was made with the use of plant powders, showed that they have lower saturation in comparison with the powders, since the pigment concentration decreases. In this case, other ingredients of meals shift the magnitudes of сolor coordinates of lower magnitudes of saturation and lightness towards the lightness of native powder. The exception is the powder from sea buckthorn, the pigments of which are manifested poorly in the restored state. The accessibility of the method makes it possible to use it for evaluating quality, controlling technological process of preparing meals and culinary products using traditional and innovative ingredients, including vegetable and fruit­and­berry powders.


  • The level of development of infrastructure of the agrarian market of Ukraine is determined by the state of food safety and socio-economic development of the country, since the agrarian sector, formed on the basis of wide application of contemporary innovative and information technologies, can become one of the profitable directions in the development of economy.Drying is characterized by technological effectiveness, efficiency and eco-friendliness of the production [1]

  • From cabbage of convective drying From cabbage of drying with mixed heat supply From spinach low-temperature drying (LTD)

  • By the method of computer colorimetry, сolor of plant powders was studied, as a result, it was established that the сolor of restored powders from cabbage and from apples is more intensive than that of native powders

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Technology and equipment of food production

Наведені результати визначення забарвлення рослинних порошків з овочів та фруктів з використанням сучасної цифрової техніки. Визначені величини колірних координат порошків у сухому та відновленому станах, а також в готових стравах. Обґрунтовано перспективу використання методики визначення забарвлення сировини, напівфабрикатів і готових виробів для контролю якості виробництва. Ключові слова: колірні координати, комп'ютерна колориметрія, індекс жовтизни, рослинні порошки, цифрове зображення, колір. Приведены результаты определения цвета растительных порошков из овощей и фруктов с использованием современной цифровой техники. Определены величины цветовых координат порошков в сухом и восстановленном видах, а также в готовых блюдах. Обоснованы перспективы использования методики определения цветности сырья, полуфабрикатов и готовых изделий для контроля качества производства. Ключевые слова: цветовые координаты, компьютерная цветометрия, индекс желтизны, растительные порошки, цифровое изображения, цвет

Literature review and problem statement
Systems CIELab
Color coordinates
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