
In flowers multiple secretory systems cooperate to deliver specialized metabolites to support specific roles in defence and pollination. The collective roles of cell types, enzymes, and transporters are discussed. The interplay between reproductive strategies and defense mechanisms in flowering plants has long been recognized, with trade-offs between investment in defense and reproduction predicted. Glandular trichomes and secretory cavities or ducts, which are epidermal and internal structures, play a pivotal role in the secretion, accumulation, and transport of specialized secondary metabolites, and contribute significantly to defense and pollination. Recent investigations have revealed an intricate connection between these two structures, whereby specialized volatile and non-volatile metabolites are exchanged, collectively shaping their respective ecological functions. However, a comprehensive understanding of this profound integration remains largely elusive. In this review, we explore the secretory systems and associated secondary metabolism primarily in Asteraceous species to propose potential shared mechanisms facilitating the directional translocation of these metabolites to diverse destinations. We summarize recent advances in our understanding of the cooperativity between epidermal and internal secretory structures in the biosynthesis, secretion, accumulation, and emission of terpenes, providing specific well-documented examples from pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium). Pyrethrum is renowned for its natural pyrethrin insecticides, which accumulate in the flower head, and more recently, for emitting an aphid alarm pheromone. These examples highlight the diverse specializations of secondary metabolism in pyrethrum and raise intriguing questions regarding the regulation of production and translocation of these compounds within and between its various epidermal and internal secretory systems, spanning multiple tissues, to serve distinct ecological purposes. By discussing the cooperative nature of secretory structures in flowering plants, this review sheds light on the intricate mechanisms underlying the ecological roles of terpenes in defense and pollination.

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