
The use of high-tech wearable devices and real-time biomechanical feedback (RTBF) is widespread in modern sports and physical rehabilitation. While the use of kinematic sensors for RTBF is well established, the question of the most efficient and appropriate way to present feedback information to the user remains largely unanswered. The haptic modality has only been used in a limited number of relatively simple studies and applications, and it has never been studied in an aquatic environment. In this study, the main motivation was to design, develop, implement, and test an RTBF system for sports and physical rehabilitation with haptic actuators suitable for use in aquatic environments. The developed miniature remote-controlled device with vibration motors as actuators was tested to determine how people perceive the haptic modality in and out of water. The results of the exploratory study with 34 participants suggest that the feedback device can be further developed for future studies. The results show that both simple and complex haptic stimuli can be understood by athletes both outdoors and in water, as well as while standing and performing simple physical activities. This study tested the use of both head and waist mounted haptic actuators, with both showing similar and promising results. The results of this study provide evidence that haptic feedback can be perceived in water, highlighting the potential for real-time haptic interventions in aquatic environments. In summary, this study represents a significant contribution to the evolving field of RTBF in modern sport training and physical rehabilitation. The development of a haptic feedback device that can be worn during aquatic and other activities is a significant advance in the field of feedback actuators. This study provides a foundation for future usability studies and the development of haptic RTBF applications in both aquatic and outdoor environments.

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