
The world is connected by the internet. It is very useful because we use Google to find out any new topic, to search for new places, to quest updated research, and to get knowledge for learning. People around the world can communicate with each other through the Google video conference talk. Internet is frequently used in smartphones, laptops, desktops, and tablets. Excessive affinity towards internet-based online data collection, downloading pictures, videos, cyber relationships, and social media may produce addiction disorders followed by different symptoms such as behavior change, mind disturbance, depression, anxiety, loss of appetite hyperactivity, sleeping disorder, headache, visual fatigue, trafficking of memory, attention-deficit, loss of efficiency in work and social detachment which may be caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters. This is very difficult to control because of abnormal signal transduction in the brain. The present study is an attempt to discuss internet addiction disorder (IAD), internet gaming disorder (IGD), and give awareness to society to get rid of this addiction.

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