
ABSTRACT The emergence of autonomous ship technologies has attracted a growing body of academic studies, regulatory discussions and exploration endeavours in recent years. With the introduction of new technology comes the need for the seafarers to be trained in its use. The purpose of this paper is 1) to examine the suitability of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Table A-II/1 competence framework for navigators under Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship (MASS) operations, and 2) to propose future technical and non-technical competencies that will be needed in autonomous shipping era. A mixed method approach was adopted with collection of both quantitative and qualitative data through a survey instrument developed on the basis of the literature and current STCW Table A-II/1, in which the 66 Knowledge, Understanding & Proficiency (KUP) requirements for navigators were converted into measurement items. Statistical analysis of the data has aided in identifying a list of key technical and non-technical competence requirements for the navigators under MASS operations. The results can be used as an input for revision of the STCW competence requirements and to facilitate the preparation and implementation of novel training frameworks for autonomous shipping.

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