
Salivary exosome analysis provides a noninvasive and comprehensive approach with potential applications in oral cancer diagnosis and prognosis. The early detection of oral cancer has remained a critical concern in enhancing the quality of life, especially for individuals who consume tobacco and are at greater risk of developing the disease. The current study investigates the potential of salivary exosomes in screening smokers for early signs and transformations of oral cancer. Morphological characterization of salivary exosomes among three study groups (non-smokers as control, smokers as high-risk tobacco consumers, and Oral cancer) (n = 120) was carried out through dynamic light scattering, and nanoparticle tracking analysis. For molecular characterization, EXOCET and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy methods were utilized. The expression of the exosomal surface protein CD63 was evaluated using Western blotting. Salivary exosomes exhibit noticeable differences in size between control group and tobacco consumers. The differentiation extended beyond exosome size and included variations in concentration and bio-molecular composition, as determined by FTIR screening. Tobacco consumers and oral cancer groups showed significantly larger and more concentrated exosomes compared to the healthy group. Our study provides strong evidence that the properties of salivary exosomes can serve as reliable noninvasive biomarkers for distinguishing tobacco consumers from non-smokers and oral cancer patients. Our results underscore the potential of exosome-based diagnostics in early oral cancer detection for high-risk individuals. The larger size and higher concentration of exosomes in tobacco consumers indicate early changes in cell secretions associated with the transformation from healthy to abnormal cells.

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