
Prominent e-commerce platforms allow users to write reviews for the available products. User reviews play an important role in creating the perception of the product and impact the sales. Online reviews can be considered as an important source of e-word of mouth (e-WOM) on e-commerce platforms. Various dimensions of e-WOM on product sales have been examined for different products. Broadly, studies have explored the effect of summary statistics of reviews on product sales using data from various e-commerce platforms. Few studies have utilized other review characteristics as length, valence, and content of the reviews. The sequence of reviews has been hardly explored in the literature. This study investigates the impact of sequence of helpful reviews along with other review characteristics as ratings (summary statistics), volume, informativeness, and valence of reviews on product sales. Hence, a holistic approach has been used to explore the role of summary statistics, volume, content and sequence of reviews on product sales with special emphasis on sequence of reviews. Relevant theories such as message persuasion, cognitive overload and belief adjustment model have also been explored during the construction of the model for review data. The proposed model has been validated using the helpful reviews available on Amazon.in website for various products.

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