
For architects, mere spatial visualization has ceased to suffice. They are now mandated to formulate fresh narratives pertaining to pioneering modes of engagement within novel sociocultural contexts. In turn, Architectural education, responsible for training the future builders of the world, plays a significant role in response to these demands and in creating a more sustainable, equitable, and fair built environment. However, mismatches between existing educational structures and evolving needs signal the necessity for reevaluating teaching practices.
 In the 1960s and 1970s, the proximity between the concepts radical and utopia to Architectural education led to pioneering pedagogical experiments, representing a significant innovation in the field. The importance of their revival has found resonance in recent theories, sowing the seeds of future pedagogical ecologies at a time when the future of pedagogical radicalism faces new challenges. Thus, and at a time when Architectural education faces a significant crisis, this article strives to (re)unite the concepts of radical and utopia, which have drifted apart from the academic realm, underscoring the necessity of their rooting in Architectural training and practice by understanding and validating their potential.
 When delving into the topic of radical pedagogies in Architectural education, by superficially analysing the process behind their construction, a cohesive framework of criteria that underpin these initiatives can be inferred: their critical, revolutionary, reformist, and transgressive nature as well as the nearly symbiotic presence — varying in degrees of intensity and with rare exceptions — of utopia at their core. In this context, the present study reveals the definition of a qualitative “Utopian Lens" towards the production of a taxonomy, built from a comprehensive review of published case studies.
 This reflection, with a specific focus on eagle-eye the presence of utopia at their core, highlights fundamental elements within the structure of these approaches, allowing a categorized reading of the corpus of analysis, showcasing recuring patterns within the scope of the ongoing research. This process provided a collection that shows that utopia can be conveyed through radical pedagogies as a (1) Drive, across various types of (2) Thought, taking on multiple (3) Forms while embracing a wide array of diverse yet complementary (4) Principles.
 Cover page: Creation of models for project presentation to the community. (Source: Collage by the Author)

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