
Knowledge discovery from data, commonly referred to as data mining. it involves the extraction of significant information, which may be previously unknown, concealed, or relevant, from extensive data sets or databases through the utilization of statistical methodologies. With the introduction of enhanced hardware technologies, there has been a proliferation in the storage and recording of personal data pertaining to individuals. Sophisticated organizations employ data mining algorithms to uncover hidden patterns or insights within data. Data mining techniques find application in diverse fields such as marketing, medical diagnosis, forecasting system, and national security. However, in scenarios where data privacy is paramount, mining certain types of data without violating the privacy of data owners presents a formidable challenge, sparking growing concerns among privacy advocates. To address these concerns, it is imperative to advance data mining procedures that are complex to individual privacy considerations. Perturbation of data plays a pivotal role in Privacy-Preserving Data Mining (PPDM). Additive data safeguard data privacy. In contrast, multiplicative data perturbation involves a series of transformations, including rotation, translation, and the addition of noise components to the perturbed data copy.

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