
Ayurveda being an established system of medical science that evolved to a comprehensive health care management system, gives equal importance to maintenance and promotion of health by preventing ailments and by curing them. For achieving this, a unique concept of Rasayana was introduced in the Ayurveda classics. Rasayanas being immuno-modulatory in their action are both health promoter as well medicine in the diseased conditions. They are complex formulations containing multiple Aushadha dravyas, that shows a collective as well as personal effects according to their rasa panchaka. Agastya Haritaki Rasayana, a rasayana aushadha yoga, has been proved to be quite useful in multiple disorders of pranavaha srotas as well other systems of the body at various stages of a disease. Being kapha and vata pacifier, it’s utility in disorders pertaining to vitiated kapha and vata is of great use for the mankind. Also, being Rasayana, it has potential to increase the quality and longevity of life.

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