
The renormalization group flow of unimodular quantum gravity is investigated within two different classes of truncations of the flowing effective action. In particular, we search for nontrivial fixed-point solutions for polynomial expansions of the $f(R)$-type as well as of the $F({R}_{\ensuremath{\mu}\ensuremath{\nu}}{R}^{\ensuremath{\mu}\ensuremath{\nu}})+RZ({R}_{\ensuremath{\mu}\ensuremath{\nu}}{R}^{\ensuremath{\mu}\ensuremath{\nu}})$ family on a maximally symmetric background. We close the system of beta functions of the gravitational couplings with anomalous dimensions of the graviton and Faddeev-Popov ghosts treated according to two independent prescriptions: one based on the so-called background approximation and the other based on a hybrid approach which combines the background approximation with simultaneous vertex and derivative expansions. For consistency, in the background approximation, we employ a background-dependent correction to the flow equation which arises from the proper treatment of the functional measure of the unimodular path integral. We also investigate how different canonical choices of the endomorphism parameter in the regulator function affect the fixed-point structure. Although we find evidence for the existence of a nontrivial fixed point for the two classes of polynomial projections, the $f(R)$ truncation exhibits better (apparent) convergence properties. Furthermore, we consider the inclusion of matter fields without self-interactions minimally coupled to the unimodular gravitational action and we find evidence for compatibility of asymptotically safe unimodular quantum gravity with the field content of the Standard Model and some of its common extensions.

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