
Mechanochemical reaction pathways are conventionally obtained from force-displaced stationary points on the potential energy surface of the reaction. This work tests a postulate that the steepest-descent pathway (SDP) from the transition state to reactants can be reasonably accurately used instead to investigate mechanochemical reaction kinetics. This method is much simpler because the SDP and the associated reactant and transition-state structures can be obtained relatively routinely. Experiment and theory are compared for the normal-stress-induced decomposition of methyl thiolate species on Cu(100). The mechanochemical reaction rate was calculated by compressing the initial- and transition-state structures by a stiff copper counter-slab to obtain the plots of energy versus slab displacement for both structures. The reaction rate was also measured experimentally under compression using a nanomechanochemical reactor comprising an atomic-force-microscopy (AFM) instrument tip compressing a methyl thiolate overlayer on Cu(100) (the same system for which the calculations were carried out). The rate was measured from the indent created on a defect-free region of the methyl thiolate overlayer, which also enabled the contact area to be measured. Knowing the force applied by the AFM tip yields the reaction rate as a function of the contact stress. The result agrees well with the theoretical prediction without the use of adjustable parameters. This confirms that the postulate is correct and will facilitate the calculation of the rates of more complex mechanochemical reactions. An advantage of this approach, in addition to the results agreeing with the experiment, is that it provides insights into the effects that control mechanochemical reactivity that will assist in the targeted design of new mechanochemical syntheses.

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