
IntroductionThe human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is highly effectiveat preventing HPV-associated cancers in bothmales and females, yet vaccination rates remain sub-optimal in part due to vaccine hesitancy. This study sought to assess which strategies vaccine-hesitant parents perceive asmost likely to motivatethem to vaccinate theirchildren againstHPV. MethodsIn 2021, we recruited parents with children ages 10–17 years old who were not vaccinated against HPV and who felt unsure or hesitant about their decision to vaccinate their child. Participants were recruited through an online patient portal within a single institution. A screening survey assessed for vaccine hesitancy. Semi-structured interviews focused on HPV vaccine decision-making, motivators, and potential strategies to improve vaccination rates in hesitant parents. Audio recordings were transcribed and analyzed via a combination of deductive and inductive codes. Results and DiscussionA total of twenty-two vaccine-hesitant parents were interviewed. The major themes identified were a lack of confidence in vaccine decision-making, a desire for more information, and dissatisfaction with provider encounters. Parents reported that their hesitancy was driven by concerns about safety and necessity, often based on negative anecdotal reports. Although pediatricians were the most often cited source of vaccine information, many parents were dissatisfied with the encounters they had regarding the vaccine. Parents expressed a desire for detailed information on both the benefits and risks of the vaccine, and resources that allowed them to actively participate in vaccine discussions with providers. Suggested modes of delivery for this information included in-depth pediatrician discussions, written materials provided by pediatricians, and facilitation tools, such as a list of questions to help parents prepare for pediatrician visits. Thus, strategies that empower parents to feel informed and confident in their decision to vaccinate their children could be useful in motivating vaccine-hesitant parents to vaccinate their children against HPV.

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