
DNA unrelated to an action of interest (background DNA) is routinely collected when sampling an area for DNA that may have originated from an action of interest. Background DNA can add to the complexity of a recovered DNA profile and could impact the discrimination power when comparing it to the reference profile of a person of interest. Recent advances in probabilistic genotyping and the development of new tools, now allow for the comparison of multiple evidentiary profiles to query for a common DNA donor. Here, we explore the additional discrimination power that can be gained by having an awareness of the background DNA present on a surface prior to the deposition of target DNA. Samples with varying number of contributors and DNA quantities were generated on cleaned plastic pipes (where ground truth was known) and items used by occupants of a single household (where ground truth was not known). The background consisted of deposits made by hands (touch) while target deposits were both touch and saliva. Samples were collected from areas consisting of only the background (A), the target and the background directly beneath it (B), and the target and additional surrounding background (B+C). Samples B and B+C yielded similar DNA amounts when the target consisted of saliva, but when the target consisted of touch, significantly more DNA was recovered from B+C. Subsequently generated DNA profiles were interpreted using STRmix™ and DBLR™. The first approach involved no conditioning while the second approach involved conditioning on the reference profiles of the known background DNA donors. The third approach involved conditioning on one common DNA donor between A and B or A and B+C. The fourth and final approach involved conditioning on two common DNA donors between A and B or A and B+C. As more information was applied to the analysis, the greater the increase in the LR for the comparison of the target sample to the POI. Conditioning on two common donors between the target and the background provided almost the same amount of information as conditioning on the references of the known background DNA donors. This resulted in an increase in the LR that was over 10 orders of magnitude for known donors in the target sample. Here we have demonstrated the value in collecting additional background samples from an area adjacent to a targeted sample, and that this has the potential to improve discrimination power.

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