
The rapid growth of videoconferencing technology in e-learning has gained significant attention in recent years. However, the literature lacks focus on the quality aspects contributing to the success of videoconferencing platforms in online learning. To fill this gap, this study used the DeLone and McLean information system success model to assess how three quality aspects (system, information, and service) of Microsoft Teams videoconferencing platform influenced students’ learning outcomes in online learning. The study involved surveying 261 students and found that all three quality dimensions significantly impacted students’ usage and satisfaction with Microsoft Teams. Remarkably, information quality had the most pronounced influence, and system use also positively affected student satisfaction, whereas student satisfaction played more significant role in their perceived benefits compared to system use. The study concluded that Microsoft Teams’ three quality dimensions contribute to enhancing student-perceived benefits in e-learning environment, confirming its success as an e-learning platform for students.

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