
Aims: This study aims to comprehensively investigate and analyze the factors that shape consumer preferences for various types of wood in the context of household applications in Coimbatore. By delving into the intricate dynamics that guide wood selection for domestic purposes, the research seeks to identify the underlying drivers that influence consumer choices. Through a meticulous examination of factors such as material versatility, eco-friendliness, aesthetic appeal, and material uniqueness, the study aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the key determinants that significantly impact the preferences of consumers when it comes to selecting specific wood varieties for furniture, decor, and other household uses. By shedding light on these preferences, the research aims to contribute valuable insights that can aid businesses, manufacturers, and policymakers in tailoring their products and strategies to better align with the evolving demands and preferences of consumers in the Coimbatore region.
 Study Design: Exploratory research design.
 Place and Duration of Study: The present study was conducted in the year 2023 during June and July
 Methodology: The data were collected from 120 consumers in Coimbatore city using snowball sampling and Convenience sampling will be used to select the respondents for the present study with the help of a well-structured interview schedule used to scale the factors. To analyze the data using factor analysis to identify the main factors that influence consumers’ preference for wood such as availability, price, durability, appearance, eco-friendliness, and personal preference.
 Results: Factors analysis provides that material excellence factors which comprise four factors versatile and modifiable, eco-friendly, aesthetic appeal, and uniqueness of material with a variance of 63.770 percent were the most influenced factors for preference for wood.
 Conclusion: In conclusion, this study employed factor analysis to discern the key determinants shaping consumers' wood preferences. The analysis revealed that material excellence, encompassing factors related to versatility, eco-friendliness, aesthetic appeal, and material uniqueness, accounted for a significant variance of 63.770 percent in influencing wood preference. These findings emphasize the paramount importance of considering factors beyond traditional attributes like availability, price, and durability, and highlight the significance of holistic material qualities in shaping individuals' choices in wood selection.

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