
This study primarily assesses a conceptual model that links green logistics management practices with social, environmental, market and financial performances to examine its capability in achieving sustainable performance. The study examines the direct influence of green logistics management practices on environmental, social, market and financial performances. Further, the mediating effects of environmental performance, social performance and market performance between green logistics management practices and financial performance are examined. The study uses dataset gathered from 240 firms across three industries (entertainment, manufacturing and logistics) using structured questionnaires. The structural equation modelling partial least square (Smartpls software 3.2.8) is used to simultaneously test both the direct and indirect relationships between the variables. The results indicate that green logistics management practices has significant positive influence on environmental performance while it insignificantly influences social, market and financial performances. Besides, environmental performance mediates green logistics management practices and financial, social and market performances, while social performance fails to mediate the influence of both green logistics management practices and environmental performance on financial performance. This study expands literature by obtaining the results for the conceptual model and dealing with the implication from the Ghanaian perspective, which is a lower middle-income economy to strike a balance between knowledge. The study reveals that the adoption of green logistics management practices has little influence on improving the social welfare and health of the society and employees while it improves financial performance through environmental and market performances.

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