
The fantasy sports industry relies highly on efficient customer relationship management (CRM) for much of its success. The ability for a provider to deliver quick, accurate and descriptive information to its consumers will result in customer loyalty and retention. Through separate hypothesis-testing and exploratory analysis, gender biases and extremely high levels of security were found within a web-enabled and professional sample of 200 respondents. The factor-based constructs were found to be, in order of the greatest explained variance, factor-based constructs as, in order of the greatest explained variance, fantasy sophistication, vendor issues, demographic maturity, participation issues, work-related internet use, mobile use and mobile users, resulting in seven factor-based scores with significant combined variance of 65.503%. While the fantasy sports industry does have a very strong, natural fan base to draw from, it is clear that the that the industry is doing a number of CRM-based initiatives well and marketing the game to its fans to keep them coming back to their websites with increasing frequency.

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