
Stunting in children under the age of two is a significant global concern, particularly in low- and middle-income countries like Indonesia. Intervention efforts often come too late as many of the underlying causal factors have already occurred earlier. While antenatal multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS) have demonstrated positive effects on pregnancy outcomes, their impact on infant growth in the first six months remains inadequately explored in epidemiological studies. This study aims to identify factors associated with stunting at six months in infants whose mothers received MMS. A population-based cohort study was conducted in four subdistricts of Banggai, Indonesia. Pregnant women were recruited in their third trimester and followed up until their children were six months of age. Validated questionnaires were employed to gather data on social determinants of health and diet, and standardised methods were utilised for anthropometric measurements. Stunting was determined based on the WHO child growth standards. The analysis comprised data from 152 mother-child pairs. The prevalence of stunting during early infancy (first two months) was 18.4%, which decreased to 15.8% in later infancy (at six months). Factors such as small-for-gestational-age (AOR = 11.29; 2.73-46.66), preterm birth (AOR = 6.33; 1.25-31.97), short birth length (AOR = 4.31; 1.11-16.78), maternal mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) below 23.5 cm, and female infants (AOR = 3.27; 95%CI: 1.04-10.27) were associated with stunting at six months. This study highlights that stunting in the first six months is present at birth, with small-for-gestational-age (SGA) as a strong predictor. In addition, there was a trend to improved growth (-0.30 [-0.79 to 0.18]) in infants born to mothers who received MMS supplementation pre-pregnancy rather than during pregnancy, although it was not statistically significant.

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