
This study explores data on expressive communication skills of 300 individuals aged 0.0-21.11 years with Angelman syndrome (AS). These data provide a composite portrait of communication skills in a large sample of children and young adults with this rare disorder, specifying new detailed information about expressive communication. The database associated with the Communication Matrix assessment (Rowland, 2004, 2011; Rowland & Fried-Oken, 2010) was mined for data regarding individuals with AS. We extracted data on the reasons for communicating, level of communication achieved, and use of various expressive communication modes to convey 24 specific messages. The performance of children and young adults in 5 age groups in the cross-sectional sample were contrasted. Results confirmed earlier studies showing that few individuals with AS use natural speech. However, in addition to using presymbolic modes, many children used alternative symbolic modes such as picture symbols, object symbols, and manual signs. Assessment scores increased slightly with age, F(4, 295) = 2.416, p = .049. Aggregating data on a large sample of individuals with AS provides a reference point for practitioners and family members and a basis for future investigations.

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