
This paper explains the theoretical basis and potential efficacy of utilizing TEM for exoplanet discovery. TEM, in order to capture high-resolution images of the internal structure of thin samples, necessitates the passage of an electron beam through them. The innovative concept behind this application exploits the gravitational micro-lensing phenomenon, triggered when a sizable exoplanet transits in front of a distant star, resulting in a discernible gravitational distortion that becomes visible through high-resolution imaging. The effectiveness of this method is intertwined with the unique challenges posed by exoplanet detection. Conventional approaches grapple with limitations related to factors such as planetary size, distance from the host star, and background noise. TEM's exceptional high resolution offers a means to overcome some of these obstacles, enabling direct imaging of exoplanets and their atmospheric characteristics. Nevertheless, numerous challenges persist, including the necessity for an extensive network of synchronized TEM equipment and intricate data analysis techniques to differentiate gravitational micro-lensing events from other forms of distortion, as well as accurately ascertain their size. To gain a comprehensive grasp of TEM's potential and limitations in reshaping our comprehension of exoplanetary systems, further research, collaborative initiatives, and technological advancements are imperative.

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