
This paper offers a study of real success experiences of SMEs, in relation to the motivations of selection and implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and its benefits that also allow the confrontation with theoretical concepts, based on reviewed literature. We followed a qualitative approach based on in-depth content analysis of SMEs online stories included in the ‘Customer Stories’ directory available on the SAP website using the R language to scrape data and statistical analyses. The findings provide evidence that the use of ERP, for managing SMEs, is constructive to their success and improves the quality of their decision-making processes. Although the technologies implemented by SMEs were characterized by their specialisation and adaptation, SAP Business One is the leading solution, without significant differences by sector compared to Europe. They also reveal that the effectiveness of implementing ERP is intrinsic to the reputation of the software vendors and the high professionalism of the partners. Additionally, the results indicated the short-term approach of SMEs when implementing this type of tool, takes precedence over the strategic and economic benefits. Furthermore, the empirical analysis supports the association of some motivational factors of ERP implementation and selection with characteristics of the organisations, such as activity and size.

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