
Educational research holds considerable importance as a discipline within the education system, as it significantly impacts the improvement of educational effectiveness and the promotion of novel pedagogical and learning approaches. Educational research plays an indispensable role in providing insights for educational policy formulation, advancing scholarly understanding, evaluating and refining instructional frameworks, and ultimately enhancing the standard of education as a whole. A quantitative inquiry was undertaken, which comprised the participation of 316 instructors, administrators, and researchers. As envisioned in 2045, the purpose of this study is to assess educators' perspectives on educational research fields from 2025 to 2030. The results of the study revealed that educators possess a moderate degree of knowledge, while devoting significant attention to areas including the development of human resources, educational policies and mechanisms, program and model creation, and educational assessment. Following this, it is imperative that school administrators and policymakers create a conducive atmosphere that empowers educators to recognize and participate in research, while simultaneously surmounting barriers that restrict research access, specifically those pertaining to resources and time. In addition, a thorough assessment and reorganization of the training procedure are imperative for the educational system. This involves cultivating partnerships between research agencies and educational management in an effort to improve the expertise of educators and advocate for a methodology grounded in research.

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