
In this work, pyrolysis experiments of ethyl valerate were performed in a flow reactor over 705–1051 K at low and atmospheric pressures and in a jet-stirred reactor over 633–1013 K at near-atmospheric pressure. Products were measured with synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry in the flow reactor pyrolysis and gas chromatography in the jet-stirred reactor pyrolysis. Valeric acid and ethylene were observed as the most abundant pyrolysis products in both experiments. Laminar burning velocities of ethyl valerate/air mixtures were also measured in a high-pressure constant-volume cylindrical combustion vessel at the initial temperature of 443 K and initial pressures of 1–10 atm. A kinetic model of ethyl valerate combustion incorporated with recent theoretical progress was developed to predict the new experimental data in this work, as well as the speciation data under flame conditions and laminar burning velocities at different initial temperatures and pressures in literature. Experimental observations and modeling analyses both confirm the significant role of the intramolecular elimination reaction of ethyl valerate producing valeric acid and ethylene. In particular, this reaction has exclusive significance in decomposition of ethyl valerate under pyrolysis conditions, indicating pyrolysis experiments can provide crucial constraints for its rate constant. Subsequent decomposition reactions of valeric acid at higher temperatures enrich the intermediate pool, especially radicals, and can continue producing ethylene to make its mole fraction keep growing under the investigated temperature ranges in the jet-stirred reactor pyrolysis. Under the flame propagation conditions, C0C1 reactions have the highest sensitivity coefficients to the flame propagation, while ethylene- and vinyl-involved reactions also play important roles due to the abundant production of ethylene.

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