
This study investigates the landscape of e-learning among high school students (grades 10-12) in India, aiming to identify challenges and opportunities within digital education platforms. Through surveys and qualitative analysis, it uncovers insights into students' perceptions of e-learning. Findings reveal significant challenges, with 43% of students disagreeing that e-learning effectively engages them, while only 10% find it innovative. Additionally, 72% report feeling stressed and requiring more mental effort during e-learning, impacting their well-being. Confidence in facing examinations decreases for 66.7% of students, and 79.2% experience reduced interest in studies during virtual learning. Furthermore, 81.7% note a decline in interaction with teachers and peers, a vital aspect of traditional learning. Technical obstacles persist, with only 23% using laptops/desktops, 77% relying on mobile phones, and 22.9% receiving no e-materials for reading. Most students (85%) endure 1-5 hours of e-learning daily, primarily through real-time platforms like Zoom and WhatsApp calls (75%).In conclusion, this research sheds light on the multifaceted nature of e-learning experiences among high school students in India. While significant challenges exist, including reduced engagement, increased stress, and technical obstacles, there are also opportunities for enhancing learning outcomes through flexible access and innovative methodologies. By addressing these challenges and capitalizing on opportunities, educational institutions and policymakers can optimize e-learning experiences and ensure equitable access to quality education for all students.

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