
Abstract The scope of the article is to identify the leadership importance and the impact that it has on a small start-up company active in the construction materials industry. Being a small organization and at the beginning of the journey, the challenges that leaders and subordinates face are diverse and of significant importance. The literature review studied in-depth revealed to us that leadership styles and the organization in which they are applied have major importance in business development and creating common objectives. The methodology used was qualitative, interviewing all the employees of the selected start-up, based on questions to reveal the perception of the employee regarding leadership in their organization. In conclusion, the research reveals that in a young start-up, leadership is very important, and the leader must communicate with the followers; motivate, influence, and help them to develop. This study focuses on critically exploring, analyzing, and understanding the implications that different leadership styles have over a start-up company active in the construction materials industry. This case study emphasizes consistent and relevant findings regarding the role of leadership characteristics and their implications on a small organization, in a quest of understanding if different approaches adopted by leaders may facilitate follower engagement that will drive organizational goals and performance. The research method is presented, consisting of a qualitative approach, with the use of interviews performed with all the employees of the selected start-up. Throughout the report, critical judgment is endorsed by relevant literature. Based on the collected responses, findings supported a strong correlation between the dominant form of leadership style and the effects on employees’ responsiveness that is further shaping organizational achievements.

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