
Food fraud is a pressing global challenge with far-reaching implications, necessitating robust preventive measures. The safeguarding of consumers from hazardous products, the preservation of supply chain integrity, and the assurance of fair competition all rely on effective anti-fraud strategies. Intelligent packaging technologies are pivotal in reducing food fraud through anti-tampering measures and traceability. However, standalone intelligent packaging technologies cannot alone establish comprehensive traceability within the food chain. This review asserts that integrating blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can bolster traceability and combat food fraud. Blockchain enhances transparency, while AI enables precise analysis of extensive datasets. This comprehensive review critically examines the potential of combining blockchain and AI technologies with intelligent packaging to address food fraud. It thoroughly delineates the strengths and limitations of these technologies in detecting and mitigating fraud across the supply chain. The amalgamation of diverse technologies within intelligent packaging presents a holistic approach to mitigating significant fraud, contingent upon the effective resolution of technical, cost, and safety challenges. In conclusion, integrating sophisticated technologies into intelligent packaging offers a promising avenue to effectively combat food fraud, instill consumer trust, and maintain the integrity of the food supply chain.

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