
Accelerated baccalaureate nursing programs have proliferated to meet the demands of the current and projected nursing shortage. While these programs serve an important function, accelerated nursing students face unique challenges related to fast pacing, content-heavy courses, and swift transition into complex clinical learning environments. These challenges, coupled with the realities of a strained nursing educator workforce, are potential threats to learning environments that are supportive of students’ academic tenacity and social belonging. While a clear link between nursing students’ positive sense of belonging and their success in clinical learning environments has been established, there is scant research looking at the impact of students’ self-perception of belonging in academic nursing education contexts. The aim of this project was to explore the student experience of belongingness in an academic nursing education setting. A qualitative approach influenced by phenomenology and phenomenological analysis was used. Seventeen students from an accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program volunteered as participants. Individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted with each participant. Three central themes emerged from the interviews: (1) Belongingness matters to students; (2) Belongingness is constructed and understood by the individual; and (3) Belongingness is relational and contextually situated. Additionally, participants described a number of experiences that they believe enhanced or facilitated belongingness. This study adds to the literature by confirming that accelerated nursing students perceive social belonging as important in supporting their motivation, well-being, and confidence in their developing nursing identity in academic, as well as clinical, education settings. Résumé Les programmes de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières accélérés se sont multipliés pour répondre aux demandes de la pénurie - actuelle et prévue - d’infirmières. Bien que ces programmes jouent un rôle important, les étudiantes de programmes de sciences infirmières accélérés sont confrontées à des défis uniques liés à un rythme rapide, à des cours denses en contenu et à une transition rapide vers des environnements d’apprentissage cliniques complexes. Ces défis, associés aux réalités d’un effectif d’enseignantes en sciences infirmières tendu, constituent des menaces pour les environnements d’apprentissage qui soutiennent la persévérance académique et l’appartenance sociale des étudiantes. Bien qu’un lien clair entre le sentiment d’appartenance positif des étudiantes en sciences infirmières et leur réussite dans des environnements d’apprentissage clinique ait été établi, il existe peu de recherches examinant l’impact de l’auto-perception d’appartenance des étudiantes dans les milieux universitaires de formation en sciences infirmières. Le but de ce projet était d’explorer l’expérience d’appartenance auprès d’étudiantes dans un

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